साहू ब्रजरतन अग्रवाल सरस्वती विद्या मंदिर इंटर कॉलेज

Welcome to Sahu Brijaratan Agarwal Saraswati Vidya Mandir Inter College, Kanth


Years of Affiliation, From Classes 6th to 12th (Science)

School got affiliation from Board of High School and Intermediate Education (Uttar pradesh) in the year 2000 (High School) and year 2006 (Intermediate)

The School is on the path of continuous progress through active ledaership arrangement of modern facilities and well education is being provided by the latest technical and skilled experienced teachers. Training is done from time to time on the basis of correspondence and changing education enviroment. The basic purpose of institution is to make all round development of the students. Who can develop their abilities and make their full participation in the creation of society and Nation.